
A program to install arch linux automatically

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

ArchLinux Installer (written in go)


First execute the binary with the newconfig arg, like this to create a empty config file

./[binary] [arg] [options]

After the configuration of the file execute --install arg to init the installation

You can see more info using [binary] --help

The help message:

#[bin] [argument] -[option]
        Only installs Grub
        Print the help message
        Run all the nesesary functions to install completely Arch Linux
        Only mounts the disks in her routes
        Creates a new config overwriting the original
        Don't format the partitions
        Don't generate a fstab for the new system
        Don't install Grub
        Don't config the keymap for the new system
        Don't mount the partitions
        Don't copy the temporal pacman.conf for best performance in the pacstrap
        Skip the pacstrap process
        Skip the partitionating prosess (not open cfdisk)
        Skip the passwd setting
        Don't reboot the system after the prosess
        Don't configure for wifi
        Only runs the pacstrap functions
        Only changes the password of the new root
        Only changes the password of the new root
        Show the version of the binary


The YAML file is a data structure used to configure the installation parameters of the script. Below are the available configuration options:

custom_pacman_config: A boolean value indicating whether to use a custom pacman configuration. The default value is "false". keyboard: Configures the keyboard layout for the installation. The default value is an empty string.


  • wifi: An object specifying the wireless network configuration. It consists of the following four properties:
  1. state: A boolean value indicating whether to enable the wireless connection. The default value is "false".
  2. name: The name of the wireless network to connect to. The default value is an empty string.
  3. adapter: The wireless network adapter to use for the connection. The default value is an empty string.
  4. password: The password for the wireless network. The default value is an empty string.


partitions: An object specifying the partitions to be used for the installation. It consists of the following properties:

  1. boot: An object specifying the boot partition. It consists of the following properties:
  • partition: The partition device. The default value is "".
  • format: A boolean value indicating whether to format the partition. The default value is "".
  • filesystem: The file system to be used for the partition. The default value is "".
  1. root: An object specifying the root partition. It has the same properties as the boot partition.
  2. home: An object specifying the home folder partition. It has the same properties as the boot partition.
  3. swap: An object specifying the swap partition. It has the same properties as the boot partition, except it does not have the "filesystem" property.

Extra Configs

passwd: Set the root password to be used for the new installation

grub_install_disk: The storage device where the GRUB bootloader will be installed. The default value is "".

pacstrap_skip: A boolean value indicating whether to skip the installation of Arch Linux basic packages. The default value is "false".

additional_packages: A string specifying the additional packages to install. The default value is an empty string.

uefi: A boolean value indicating whether the system uses UEFI instead of BIOS. The default value is "false".

arch-chroot: A boolean value indicating whether to run the script in the Arch Linux chroot environment. The default value is "false".

post_install_commands: A string specifying the commands to be executed after the package installation. The default value is an empty string.

post_install_chroot_commands: A string specifying the commands to be executed after the package installation in the Arch Linux chroot environment. The default value is an empty string.

reboot: Allows specifying whether to restart the system after installation. If this field is omitted, the default configuration will be used.