Git aliases
Copy the bashrc file to your home directory and rename it to .bashrc
This bashrc will make sure you see which branch you are in and gives you some handy aliasses.
Aliasses you can use are:
alias gpl = "git pull origin master" # pull latest from master alias gps="git push origin master" # push to master alias gcm="git checkout master" # checkout master alias gs="git status" # git status alias gt="git fetch --tags ; git tag | sort -V" #fetch new tags and show current tags alias gta=tagForDeployment # tag for deployment use param alias gc=commitWithComment # Git commit with comment alias gpt="git push origin --tags" # push the tags to origin alias gtp="git push origin --tags" # push the tags to origin alias gcma=commitAddWithComment # Git commit with comment alias cmpu="composer update -vvv" #composer update alias gtap=createNewTag #get tags, increment a new tag