This modules aims to implement a simple way for developers/admin-sys/devops to create on-the-fly Mermaid diagrams.
✅ Use of this module when:
- keeping up-to-date diagrams about systems that can can be discovered with automated scripts :
- architecture of a server (packages, services,...)
- architecture of a folder (files and subfolders,...)
- keeping up-to-date diagrams about a data-visualization tool (like Metabase, Lightdash etc.)
- list of collections and indicators with their links for modification
❌ Do not use this module for
- making a single instance diagram that doesn't need to be updated : documentation, presentation etc.
pip install python_mermaid
All examples are available here
Run the script below to see diagram generation
# Creating a simple flowchart diagram
from python_mermaid.diagram import (
# Family members
meg = Node("Meg")
jo = Node("Jo")
beth = Node("Beth")
amy = Node("Amy")
robert = Node("Robert March")
the_march_family = [meg, jo, beth, amy, robert]
# Create links
family_links = [
Link(robert, meg),
Link(robert, jo),
Link(robert, beth),
Link(robert, amy),
chart = MermaidDiagram(
title="Little Women",
Returns the following
title: Little Women
robert_march["Robert March"]
robert_march ---> meg
robert_march ---> jo
robert_march ---> beth
robert_march ---> amy
which results can be seen here
1-to-1 implementation of flowchart
- All features of flowchart
- Main Features of stateflow-v2
- Nodes
- Notes
- Start and End nodes
- Named links between nodes
- Graph configuration
- Architecture improvements for easing diagram creation
- Requirements: install Poetry. Here is the official method below.
⚠️ Please consider getting a look at Poetry's documentation if it doesn't work.⚠️
curl -sSL | python3 -
- All-in-one command below to clone and install dependencies
curl -sSL | python3 -
git clone
cd python_mermaid
poetry shell
poetry install --with dev
- Launch tests:
poetry run pytest
- Check linting:
poetry run ruff check .
- Check typing:
poetry run mypy python_mermaid
To check linting:
poetry run flake8
This project comes with a tool called pre-commit
that checks if your code is correctly linted.
If you want to use it, run the following
pre-commit install
Wanna help ? Find a bug ?
- Do not hesitate to fork the repository and send PRs with your changes
- No time to code ? Send a bug/feature issue here