This repository is a fork of Gabriel Harris' data science repo template.
For more details, read the Medium article
Make sure you have WSL set up, pyenv installed and setup, and poetry installed.
The pyenv setup guide is decent; I plan to share my own.
The poetry setup guide is quite good: (do not ignore the step on adding poetry to your path.)
- Go to the repository on github.
- select the button "Use this template" and create a new repository.
- Git clone the new repository onto your local machine with WSL.
- Use the Makefile to create your virtual environment. Run in terminal: make setup
- Run source .venv/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment.
- Run make pre-commit
The make file creates a local directory which will not be committed to git. You can use this directory for secrets and playgrounds that you will never commit.
The directory structure is just a suggestion and you are welcome to reformat the directories as suits your needs.
If you haven't already, add the Ruff extension to your vscode: