
Obtain a clean-cut architecture at the launch of a mission and run some tests

Primary LanguageGo


Obtain a clean-cut architecture at the launch of a mission and make some tests


You need to have these binaries in your path:

nuclei, google-chrome

How to install

Manually :

git clone https://github.com/CMEPW/Yelaa.git
cd Yelaa
make install
make compile

Or if you have set your GO path and all the requirements installed :

go install github.com/CMEPW/Yelaa@latest

How to use

-s is optional You can run Yelaa create -c <client> -s <PathToSharedFolder>

How to run scan

Yelaa scan -target <PathToTargetFile>

Use http proxy

Yelaa scan -p http://localhost:8080 -target ./targets.txt

Flag -k is available to skip tls configuration

How to run osint on a domain

Yelaa osint -d example.com

To run osint command on several domains run Yelaa osint -t domains.txt

How to run httpx then gowitness

Yelaa checkAndScreen -t domains.txt


Yelaa -h
 __   __         _                  
 \ \ / /   ___  | |   __ _    __ _ 
  \ V /   / _ \ | |  / _` |  / _` |
   | |   |  __/ | | | (_| | | (_| |
   |_|    \___| |_|  \__,_|  \__,_|
Obtain a clean-cut architecture at the launch of a mission and make some tests

  create -c [client name] [flags]
  create [command]

Available Commands:
  checkAndScreen Run httpx and gowitness
  help            Help about any command
  osint           Run subfinder, dnsx and httpx to find ips and subdomains of a specific domain
  scan            It will run Nuclei templates, sslscan, dirsearch and more.

  -c, --client string         Client name
  -e, --excludedType string   excluded type
  -h, --help                  help for create
  -k, --insecure              Allow insecure certificate
  -p, --proxy string          Add HTTP proxy
  -s, --shared string         path to shared folder

Use "create [command] --help" for more information about a command.

This script will create a default structure using create command, as well as a cherytree database with payloads for external testing and useful commands for internal testing


darkweak jenaye jarrault TomChv