
A streamlined build tool for low-level development

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Comet is a no-nonsense build tool primarily oriented towards embedded or cross-compiled applications written in languages that can compile to LLVM bitcode, such as C, C++, D, etc. It adheres to four core principles:

  • Simplicity: Your build tool should be your friend, not your enemy. Comet does not force you to learn crazy languages and use strange idiosyncracies to build your program, instead exposing a simple and pleasant DSL to describe how you want your program built.

  • Predictability: Good software should be predictable, so Comet requires you to specify every aspect of your build configuration, leaving no opportunity for hazardous defaults to sneak in. Comet also steers you away from bad practices by enforcing sane conventions.

  • Focus: Comet does not try to deal with the rest of your release process, such as generating documentation, preparing artifacts, running tests, and so on. Comet is concerned solely with the process of building your source files into executables, and is easily integrated into other scripts.

  • Performance: Due to Comet's design and LLVM integration, you get many features for free such as whole-program optimization, cross-compilation and multi-language support. Comet itself is also efficient and does not slow down your builds.

Functionally, Comet is a Makefile generator which accepts a domain-specific language from a build file, produces a Makefile, and executes it, placing all intermediate files inside a hidden .comet temporary directory. The only thing you need to do as a developer is write your comet.rb build file and add .comet to your gitignore file.

WARNING: this software is still in the testing phase, use in production at your own risk. Improvement suggestions and pull requests are welcome and appreciated. Currently only C and C++ language support is implemented through Clang and the tool probably only works on Linux as of now, but just a couple parts of the code are OS-dependent.


gem install comet-build

Comet wraps Make, consuming only two command line arguments and forwarding the rest.

  • -f PATH: search for the build file at the specified path instead of comet.rb
  • -s: don't execute the generated Makefile, print it to standard output instead

Comet generates the following convenience Make targets:

  • all: build absolutely everything (this is also the default target)
  • clean: delete the .comet folder (there is no invididual clean)

It doesn't matter where in your source tree you invoke Comet, as it will walk its way back up the filesystem looking for your build file until it hits a filesystem boundary, similar to Git. Furthermore, the .comet folder is always next to the build file Comet is operating on.

No external (non-Ruby) dependencies are required for generating the Makefile. However, the Makefile itself expects the Clang and LLVM tools to be installed in the user's path. If cross-compiling, it also requires the appropriate binutils toolchains to be installed, e.g. arm-none-eabi for embedded ARM software. When executing the Makefile, Comet will call out to the system's Make implementation, which can be overridden with the MAKE environment variable.

Supported Languages

Language support for compiling source files is shown below. Adding support for a language consists of supplying a suitable DSL object for it, and implementing a Make rule to compile source files of this language into a single LLVM bitcode file. This Make rule will need to call out to language-specific compilers and other tools, which should be documented in the table below.

Language DSL keyword Required compilers
Native :native None (link-only)
C :c Clang
C++ :cpp Clang

Native languages are those for which the source code is either already LLVM bitcode, or is already in a lower representation than LLVM IR, such as assembly. These will be passed directly to the linker after compiled LLVM bitcode, therefore:

  • they cannot reference symbols from non-native source files
  • they must be given in the usual "reverse dependency" order
  • they must actually be accepted by the linker as input files

Planned features

  • Windows support
  • Clarification of linker parameters (triple, isa, cpu)
  • Ability to import other build files recursively
  • Integration with other build systems when linking vendored libraries

Build File Syntax

The Ruby DSL used for describing your program is very straightforward. You begin by defining three high-level structures:

  • software, describing hardware-agnostic source code
  • hardware, describing source code tied to a specific device
  • firmware, describing software/hardware combinations of interest

All paths in the build file are relative to the build file's location. Spaces in filenames are not supported. The ordering of distinct directives is unimportant, i.e. you do not have to specify them in this order. The relative ordering of some directives, however, is meaningful, such as library imports which are passed to the linker in order of appearance.

Note that Ruby allows you to write blocks with either do and end or curly braces. Curly brace blocks are not always usable syntactically in some cases, but the DSL does not hit any of them, so just use whichever style you prefer - do and end will be used throughout this section.

Software Directive

A software directive must be uniquely named, and may include any number of source directives (but at least one) describing the source code contained under it. It may also include any number of dependencies, which can be either software or hardware directives, referenced by name. Software directives cannot include native source directives.


software 'name', depends: ['dep1', 'dep2', ...] do
  # source directives


software 'i2c', depends: ['i2c-hal'] do
  source language: :c, headers: 'include' do
    import 'src/drivers/i2c.c'

Hardware Directive

A hardware directive need not be uniquely named (it is namespaced by the device it targets) and may include any number of source directives, including none at all. It must specify a single targets: parameter, indicating which device is being targeted; the device name itself is arbitrary and is referenced in subsequent firmware directives. If native source directives are included, they must be compatible with the targeted device.


hardware 'name', targets: :device do
  # source directives
  # import directives
  # linker directive


hardware 'startup', targets: :lpc1114 do
  linker 'arm-none-eabi', isa: 'armv6', cpu: 'cortex-m0' do
    script 'src/LPC1114.ld'
    option :nostdlib

Firmware Directive

A firmware directive must be uniquely named, and takes an imports parameter referencing software directives by name. It may include any number of target directives, enumerating which devices to build the imported software for. A firmware directive becomes a Make target of the same name, which will build the firmware against all the specified devices. Additional Make targets of the form firmware/device will build it for individual devices.


firmware 'name', imports: ['software1', 'software2', ...] do
  # target directives


firmare 'hello_world', imports: ['hello_world_main'] do
  target :linux_x64 do
    elf 'bin/hello_world'

Linker Directive

Exactly one hardware directive per firmware per device must have a linker directive, which describes how the source code is to be linked together into an executable. The optimization parameter is used for whole-program link time optimization, and can be either a symbol or an integer passed to the linker via -O, e.g. 2 for -O2 or :fast for -Ofast. Options are passed as-is to the linker, and a linker script can be provided.


linker 'triple', isa: 'isa', cpu: 'cpu', opt: :opt do
  # option directives
  # script directive


linker 'arm-none-eabi', isa: 'armv6-m', cpu: 'cortex-m0', opt: :fast do
  script 'src/cortex-m0.ld'
  option :nostdlib

Target Directive

A target directive takes a single device name as a parameter, and includes any number of output directives such as elf or bin. These directives control whether to generate a given build artifact, and where to place it.

The following output directives are available:

  • elf: links the software for the device into an ELF file
  • bin: runs the ELF file through objcopy -O binary
  • hex: runs the ELF file through objcopy -O ihex
  • map: generates a map file while linking


target :device do
  # elf directive
  # bin directive
  # hex directive
  # map directive


target :cortex_m4 do
  elf 'bin/program.elf'
  map 'bin/program_layout.map'

Source Directive

A source directive represents a collection of source files of the same language and configuration. All parameters and nested directives depend on the language selected, which the exception of language: which specifies said language.

source language: :language, ... do
  # language-specific directives

Native Source Directive

Native source directives have no options besides importing files. The source files provided will be passed directly to the linker, in the order given, with no processing performed on them. They can be whatever format the linker understands, such as assembly files or object files for the correct architecture.


source language: :native do
  # import directives


source language: :native do
  import 'src/main.S'
  import 'lib/startup-armv6.o'

C/C++ Source Directive

C/C++ source directives take an array of header include paths as a parameter, and accept source file import directives, option directives (to pass in compiler flags) and define directives (to pass in preprocessor macros).


source language: :c|:cpp, headers: ['dir1', 'dir2', ...] do
  # import directives
  # option directives
  # define directives


source language: :c, headers: ['include'] do
  import 'src/main.c'
  option :ffreestanding
  define :NDEBUG
  define :_POSIX_C_SOURCE => '200809L'

You can unset a previously defined option by using the special symbol :remove as a value. For instance:

option :Werror => :remove

Advanced Usage

Mixins and Ruby Procs

You can use Ruby procs together with the inject shorthand, which will effectively run your proc in the context of a directive, like so:

cflags = proc do
  option :myflag => 'myvalue'

# later...

source language: :c do
  inject &cflags

Using Ruby in the build file

The build file is otherwise ordinary Ruby code extended with a custom DSL, therefore you can write any Ruby code inside it, although it is encouraged to keep the build file free of undocumented dependencies such as gems or external commands. For instance, you can do this:

source language: :c, headers: 'include' do
  define :VERSION => quote(`git rev-parse HEAD`)

Hardware Abstraction Layers

Because hardware directive names are namespaced by the device they target, HALs are supported by default, as shown below. When built for a given device, this hal software directive will resolve to the appropriate hardware directive for that device, assuming one is present:

software 'module', depends: ['hal'] do
  # ...

hardware 'hal', targets: :device1 do
  # ...

hardware 'hal', targets: :device2 do
  # ...

Overriding external programs

Any external tool called by a Comet-generated Makefile can be overridden through environment variables of the form COMET_TOOLNAME. For instance, cp is invoked through COMET_CP, clang is invoked as a compiler through COMET_CC, and as a linker through COMET_LD, and so on. You can see the list of tools by inspecting the generated Makefile with comet -s, they will be at the top.

Some helper Ruby methods

In the spirit of its DSL, Comet defines some convenience methods to make your build file more expressive.


The quote method will take a string, strip any surrounding whitespace, and surround the result in double quotes. This is useful for passing strings to the C preprocessor through macros. For instance, define :FOO => quote('bar') translates to -DFOO=\"bar\" which is equivalent to #define FOO "bar".


This software is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.