
A barebones framework for data collection based on celery and PRAW

Primary LanguagePython

Reddit Crawler

High level

Combines PRAW and Celery into a barebones "framework" for data collection/processing where reddit is the data source.

That's it really. As of mid-December, the project is tiny as celery and praw do most of the work.


At this time, there is not a PyPI package. Clone from github and do:

sudo python setup.py install

Celery requires some sort of managed queue for distributing work. Currently only redis is tested. Because celery is doing all the task distribution, anything that celery supports as a broker should work fine here.


I've included a simple spidering Breadth-first search example. You provide a 'seed' list of subreddits. The spider reads the sidebar of the subreddit, extracts links to other subreddits, then repeats for each found subreddit.

Create a new project directory:

mkdir my_proj
cd my_proj/

Those example config files contain information for a local redis broker. If that is not your setup, pleases edit.

reddit_crawler expects two configuration files in your project (find examples in reddit_crawler/examples/configs directory):


then create your run file test.py:

from reddit_crawler.examples.spider.spider import main

main(['python'], 'subreddits.txt')

Where subreddits.txt is some file in your current directory.

Now it's time to start a worker (just like in celery's docs):

celery worker --app=celery_app

The worker in this example makes the API call via PRAW, then parses the sidebar text for link to other subreddits then returns any found subreddits to the caller. The caller takes these subreddit names, filters out any already seen ones, then creates a new task for each unseen subreddit to find more links from them.


python test.py

This will use r/python's sidebar description as the starting point of the spider.


I've been working on small reddit related projects. The source has been contained in one repo, meaning that it has become quite messy. So I'm starting to break some of the code out into smaller, reusable repos.


Coming soon. I would like to add some common collection tasks in the form of chainable tasks.