
OpenGL tutorial written in Kotlin Native (http://opengl-tutorial.org)

Primary LanguageC

OpenGL tutorial written in Kotlin Native

The tutorial could be found here.



brew install glfw glew


Not tested

sudo apt-get install libglfw3 libglfw3-dev libglew-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib


This will build and run every example.

gradle build
gradle run

Need to check in the kotlin native gradle docs how to run only the desired example


Basic tutorial

  • 1 - Opening a window
  • 2 - Hello Triangle
  • 3 - Matrices
  • 4 - A Colored Cube
  • 5 - A Textured Cube
  • 6 - Keyboard and Mouse
  • 7 - Model loading
  • 8 - Basic shading

CMake script to copy resources

add_custom_target(copy-resources ALL
        COMMAND cmake -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/resources ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/resources
        DEPENDS ${intown})