
The content and build scripts for my thesis. It's about understanding large systems of quantum objects like electrons in matter. The build system uses Pandoc and many custom scripts to render to both PDF and HTML.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



The current build process is labrinthine and I regret it somewhat, but it works. It's broken down into a series of steps:

Jupyter Notebooks -> Markdown

Config files: dodo.py:task_markdown, pandoc/figure_to_markdown.py Uses NbConvert to convert notebooks to markdown. figure_to_markdown.py converts <figure> tags to markdown images and parses a bunch of metadata from the figure tags

<img src="src" style="max-width:700px;" title="title">

giving output in the form:

![alt_text](src)(href){#fig:label  width=100% short-caption="title"}

I use html <figure> tags in Jupyter rather than plain markdown image tags because it allows me to preview the captions and center them with css.

Markdown -> HTML

Config files: dodo.py:task_html, pandoc/markdown_to_html.yml pandoc/html_filter.py For a jekyll website version. html_filter fixes the relative image links.

Markdown -> Latex

Config files: dodo.py:task_latex, pandoc/markdown_to_latex.yml pandoc/latex_filter.py pandoc/latex_short_caption.lua For the PDF version latex_filter sorts out image paths and adds "Animated version online" to images that have a gif version. latex_short_caption.lua allows the title from markdown tags that look like [alt_text](src){short-caption="title" extra = metadata} to be incorporated into latex figures using \caption[title]{alt_text}

Doing compilation locally


# install texlive, mine was already installed so I'll skip this step, google it.
# make sure you have tlmgr, I think this comes with texlive

sudo tlmgr update --self #update tlmgr because it always complains
sudo tlmgr install latexmk # latexmk manages latex compilation with the latexmkrc file
sudo tlmgr install texliveonfly # this package can autoinstall dependencies

# auto install dependencies in thesis.tex
# this will install everything and then eventually fail but don't worry
sudo texliveonfly thesis.tex 

# actually compile
latexmk -pdf -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode thesis.tex

Getting it working in visual studio code

Install Latex Workshop Add the -shell-escape arg to the latexmk commandd invocation by adding this to settings.json:

    "latex-workshop.latex.recipes": [
          "name": "latexmk 🔃",
          "tools": [
    "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [
          "name": "latexmk",
          "command": "latexmk",
          "args": [
            "-shell-escape", // The non default line for the minted package  to work
          "env": {}

Reproducing overleaf compilation locally

Using a custom latexmkrc

How to put .sty files in a subfolder

Conda environment

To install

conda env create --file environment.yml

To update after changing environment.yml

conda env update --file environment.yml --prune