
💻 Beautiful JS slides with reveal.js and integrated animations terminal use with asciinema

Primary LanguageJavaScript

💻 Intro to the Command Line - A slide deck

Click here to view the slide deck on github.io


What is this

It's a slide deck I used to introduce some students to the command line for the first time.

It's also an example of how to integrate two things:

  • reveal.js, a JS library for making really nice presentations which supports a mix of MarkDown, CSS, HTML and JS.
  • asciinema A tool to record interactive command line usage and then play it back beautifully with control over formatting and speed.

I've added a hook to automatically play/pause each player when you enter/exit that slide.

Technical background

This uses the anything plugin for reveal.js and the current stable version 2.x of asciinema. There is a new v3.x of asciinema but at the time of writing the v3.x dev branch of asciinema-player does not expose a API to play and pause the player. If you want to use v3.x of the player see my comment here for a some working code.