
A great sample application for docker & docker compose demonstration with Thanos illustration!

Primary LanguageC#

Simple Voting Application 🗳️

"Five Docker Containers! Perfectly Balanced, As All Things Should Be!" - DevOps Thanos

A great sample application for docker & docker compose demonstration!

Indeed, this is a distributed application running across multiple Docker containers.

🏗️ 0. Installation and Setup

  • Make sure the port numbers below as allowed in your host machine for this application:

    • 8080
    • 8081
  • Install Git:

yum install -y git
  • Install Docker:
yum install -y docker
  • Start Docker:
service docker start
  • Git clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/TomHuynhSG/simple-voting-application.git
  • Change current directory inside it:
cd simple-voting-application

🐳 1. Docker Step by Step

  • Change current directory to vote directory which contains the voting website:
cd vote
  • Checkout the Dockerfile of that voting website:
cat Dockerfile 
  • Build a Docker image of voting application:
docker build . -t voting-app
  • Check if the new voting-app is there:
docker images
  • Run a Docker container from the Redis image of DockerHub:
docker run -d --name=redis redis
  • Run a Docker container from the voting app image ➜ The voting website is now live via port 8080:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --link redis:redis voting-app
  • Run a Docker container from the Postgres image of DockerHub:
docker run -d --name=db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres:9.4
  • Change current directory to worker-app directory:
cd ../worker
  • Build a Docker image of worker app:
docker build . -t worker-app
  • Run a Docker container from the worker app image:
docker run -d --link redis:redis --link db:db worker-app
  • Change current directory to result directory which contains the result website:
cd ../result
  • Build a Docker image of result app:
docker build . -t result-app
  • Run a Docker container from the result app image ➜ The result website is now live via port 8081:
docker run -d -p 8081:80 --link db:db result-app

🐳 2. Docker Compose

Instead of running these above Docker commands one by one. We can use docker compose which allow us to define and run multi-container Docker applications at once.

  • First, let's stop and remove all containers so we can start from scratch:
docker kill $(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
  • Install Docker compose:
sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/latest/download/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  • Check the version of docker compose:
docker-compose version
  • Create a "docker-compose.yml" file as following:
version: "3"
   image: redis
  image: postgres:9.4
   POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "postgres"
   image: voting-app
     - 8080:80
     - redis
   image: worker-app
     - db
     - redis
   image: result-app
     - 8081:80
     - db
  • Run the docker compose file:
docker-compose up
  • Check if the website is up and running via port 8080 (voting website) and 8081 (result website).

🌟 Screenshots

  • Voting page: Voting page

  • Result page: Result page

⚙️ Architecture

Architecture diagram

  • A front-end web app (Flask) in Python which lets you vote between two options.
  • A Redis queue which collects new votes.
  • A .NET Core 3.1, Java worker which consumes votes and stores them in Postgres databased container.
  • A Postgres database.
  • A Node.js webapp which shows the results of the voting in real time.

💡 Reference

🏆 Author