
1. Project Structure

├── controllers/
|   ├── index.js
├── middlewares/
|   ├── auth.js
|   ├── hash.js
├── models/
|   ├── user.js
├── public/
|   ├── images/
|   ├── css/
|   ├── javascripts/
├── routes/
|   ├── index.js
├── views/
|   ├── partials/
|   ├── homepage.js
|   ├── signup.js
|   ├── signin.js
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── app.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
  1. controllers/ This directory contains files responsible for handling the logic and functionality of the application.

  2. middlewares/ Middleware functions are stored here. These functions can be applied to routes to perform tasks like authentication (auth.js), hashing (hash.js), and handling file uploads (upload.js).

  3. models/ This directory holds the data models for interacting with the database.

  4. public/ This directory usually contains static assets that can be served directly to the client, such as images, CSS files, and JavaScript files.

  5. routes/ This directory probably contains JavaScript files defining the routes and corresponding handlers for the application.

  6. views/ This directory typically contains files responsible for rendering HTML templates and views.

  7. .env This file contains ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES such as SECRET KEY, which is meant to be hidden and ignored by .gitignore.

  8. .gitignore Specifies files and directories to be ignored by Git, preventing them from being tracked.

  9. app.js This file is commonly used to store environment variables for the application.

  10. package.json & package-lock.json Manage dependencies and package versions.

  11. A text file containing useful reference information about this project.

2. Packages:

  1. bcryptjs A library for hashing passwords.

  2. date-fns A JavaScript date utility library. It provides functions for working with dates, including formatting and parsing.

  3. dotenv A zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env. This is useful for managing configuration in your Node.js applications.

  4. ejs Embedded JavaScript templating engine for rendering dynamic content on the server side.

  5. express A popular web framework for Node.js that simplifies the process of building web applications.

  6. express-session Middleware for handling sessions in Express.js. It provides session management and can store session data, often backed by a database or memory store.

  7. mongodb The official MongoDB driver for Node.js. It allows your Node.js application to interact with a MongoDB database.

  8. mongoose A higher-level abstraction over the MongoDB driver, providing a more convenient and structured way to work with MongoDB databases in a Node.js environment.

  9. nodemon A utility that monitors for changes in your Node.js application and automatically restarts the server when changes are detected.

3. Build

To clone and run this project, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer.

  • Prequisite: VSCode or Other IDE / Editor

  • From your CLI, Terminal or SHELL:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Start with npm
$ npm start

# OR Start with node
$ node app.js

4. Custom Database

To change the database location, you'll need to go to .env file and change the value of variable DATABASE to your own MongoDB link


5. Description

Set Up Session And Database



  • secret Property:

    • This property is required and is used to sign the session ID cookie. It should be a string or an array of strings.

    • In this case, the secret is retrieved from the environment variable process.env.SECRET, which should be set to a secure and unique value.

  • resave Property:

    • Forces the session to be saved back to the session store, even if the session was never modified during the request. Typically set to false.
  • saveUninitialized Property:

    • When set to false, this property ensures that sessions are not saved for requests that have not modified the session data.

    • Setting it to false can help reduce server storage usage and save resources by only creating a session when necessary.

  • cookie Property:

    • This property is an object specifying various options for the session cookie.

    • maxAge: Specifies the maximum age (in milliseconds) of the session cookie. In this case, it's set to 60 minutes (60 * 60 * 1000 milliseconds).



  • This function connects the Node.js application to a MongoDB database using the Mongoose library.

  • The connection URI is obtained from the process.env.DATABASE environment variable. If the connection is successful, a message is logged; otherwise, any errors are logged to the console.

  • This is a common pattern for setting up database connections in Node.js applications.

Middleware Functions

Check Authentication

Check Authentication

  • Middleware isAuthenticated checks user authentication using req.session.userId.

  • If no userId is found, it renders signin with a log-in message.

  • If authenticated, fetches user data and assigns to req.user.

  • Passes control to the next middleware or route handler using next().

  • Includes error handling for unexpected issues during data retrieval.

  • Ensures protected routes are accessed only by authenticated users.

Hash Password

Hash Password

  • Function hashing passwords using bcryptjs.

  • Imports the bcryptjs library for password hashing and salting.

  • Uses bcrypt.genSalt() to asynchronously generate a salt for password hashing.

  • Calls bcrypt.hash() to hash the provided password using the generated salt.

  • Returns the hashed password.

User Model


  • The userSchema is created using mongoose.Schema. It defines the structure of the documents that will be stored in the MongoDB collection associated with the User model.

Controller Functions

Get Sign Up

Get Sign Up

  • Renders the signup view if the user is not already authenticated; otherwise, redirects to the homepage.

Get Sign In

Get Sign in

  • Renders the signin view if the user is not already authenticated; otherwise, redirects to the homepage.

Sign Up

Sign Up

  • Hashes the provided password using the hashPwd middleware.

  • Collects user data from the request body, including username, name, hashed password, photo, date of birth, and bio.

  • Checks if the username already exists in the database; if so, renders the signup view with an error message.

  • Creates a new user in the database with the provided data and redirects to the signin page.

Sign In

Sign In

  • Retrieves user credentials from the request body.

  • Finds a user in the database based on the provided username.

  • Compares the provided password with the hashed password stored in the database.

  • If the credentials are valid, sets the user ID in the session and redirects to the homepage; otherwise, renders the signin view with an error message.

Sign Out

Sign Out

  • Destroys the user session to log them out.

  • Redirects to the signin page after successfully destroying the session.

Get Homepage

Get Homepage

  • Formats the user's date of birth to a readable format using date-fns.

  • Renders the homepage view with the user data and formatted date of birth.

6. The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture


Model (M)

  • The model interacts with the MongoDB database through Mongoose, providing an abstraction for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on file-related data.

View (V)

  • The EJS templates serve as the views in the application.

  • They contain HTML structures with embedded JavaScript code (using EJS syntax) to dynamically generate content based on the data provided by the controller.

Controller (C)

  • The controller in the application handles the logic and acts as an intermediary between the model (data) and the views (presentation).

7. Screenshots

Sign up page

Sign up

Sign in page

Sign in



8. License

This software is licensed under the MIT License ©

🏆 Collaboration Acknowledge

  • Nguyễn Trần Hà Anh 👏