
Offline Registration App

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Writing in front: (A)

  1. Make sure your MATLAB Version is not lower than R2021b.
  2. (Optional) You can install python with package: tifffile and numpy, on your local machine for fast IO support when processing tiff file
  3. (Optional) For advanced user, you can change the threads number per worker by configurating Reg3D_local.mlsettings or Reg3D_server.mlsettings. Because of the 'hyper-thread' technology, you can get fully performance.

(B) (Optional) You can install VC_redist.x64.exe for fast nd2 file loading, read README in \extern\microsoft support for more detail.

[Two Channels Registration Pipeline]

  1. select the template as fix frame, for better performance, we recommand you select the local stable best

  2. using 'translate' as transformation for object location estimating

  3. set the initial iteration step bigger than default(6.25e-2), which could be choosed from 0.1 to 0.15

  4. set the iteration factor bigger than default(0.5), which could be choosed from 0.6 to 0.8

  5. set the robustness factor bigger than default(0.5), which could be choosed from 0.6 to 0.9

  6. check the 'Enable' checkbox to confirm registration(global) setting

  7. make sure you are working on source 'raw', and click the 'Run' button Until the app is stopped, you can go to next step#

  8. if 'translate' is not accurate enough, and the object has some rotation motion or stretch motion, using 'rotation' or 'similarity' as transformation

  9. you may decrease the minimal iteration step for good accuracy, such as 1e-6 or smaller, where 1e-5 as default

  10. set the initial iteration step as default(6.25e-2) or smaller

  11. set the iteration factor as default(0.5) or smaller

  12. set the robustness factor smaller than default(0.5), which could be choosed from 0.01 to 0.2

  13. you can crop the image in XY plane for better registration speed

  14. make sure you are working on source 'registrated', and click the 'Run' button Until the app is stopped, you can go to next step# [Warning] Do not run on 'registrated' too many times(more than 3 times), because of interpolation may decrease the spatial and temporal resolution.

  15. if there is also some local motion, you can choose registration(local) setting panel, using the template which came from 'global' is better

  16. modify the cumulative field smooth value, the value is smaller, the local motion registration is stronger

  17. you can skip this step, if marker channel with low photobleaching, or you can check the 'compensate photobleaching' checkbox for better performance

  18. check the 'Enable' checkbox to confirm registration(local) setting

  19. make sure you are working on source 'registrated', and click the 'Run' button Until the app is stopped, you can go to next step#

  20. if there are some bad registration frames, you can cut them or use registration(manual) for manual resiatration

[One Channel Registration Pipeline]

  1. same as two channel but functional channel is also the structured channel

[Longterm Registration Pipeline] 1.

Go and have fun!

Copy Rights Weihan Li, 2022-2024