
A DevOps Project to deploy a simple express application on a Kubernetes Cluster and define its canary release and updates using Argo CD.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Documentation of Codebase

Project Topic:- Dockerizing a simple web application, deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster using Argo CD, and manage its release process with Argo Rollouts.


  • Experience with Git principles for version control.

  • Experience with GitHub to fork, clone or publish a repository.

  • Containerization using Docker and a container registry like Docker Hub.

  • Familiarity with Kubernetes Concepts like - Pods, Services, Deployments and Clusters.

  • Basics of GitOps tools like Argo CD and Argo Rollouts.

Our Repo structure is given below:-

 |_ Source
 |  |_ Dockerfile
 |  |_ .dockerignore
 |  |_ index.js
 |  |_ .gitignore
 |  |_ package.json
 |_ Rollout
 |  |_ svc.yaml
 |  |_ ro.yaml
 |_ .kube
 |  |_ config.yaml
 |_ README.md

Step 1:- Creating a Git repository that hosts our code

  • You can use your code editor like VSCode to publish the repository directly. Image
  • Alternatively, you can use git commands to publish the source code, right click on the folder and select "git bash here".
    • Create a new repository on your GitHub and copy the link.
    • Enter below provided commands on the terminal:-
       git init
       git add .
       git commit -m "Your commit message here"
       git remote add origin <repository_clone_link>
       git push -u origin master

Step 2:- Installing Argo tools on our Kubernetes Cluster

Note:- The Docker Desktop should be up and running from here until you are monitoring the deployment and changes.

  • Command to run your Kubernetes cluster

     minikube start
  • If faced with any confusion, refer to the original documentation of Kuberentes:- Learn Kubernetes Basics | Kubernetes

  • Commands to install Argo CD to your cluster

     kubectl create namespace argocd
     kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/stable/manifests/install.yaml 
  • Commands to install Argo Rollout to your cluster

     kubectl create namespace argo-rollouts
     kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://github.com/argoproj/argo-rollouts/releases/latest/download/install.yaml 

Step 3:- Dockerizing the Application

  • Creating a Dockerfile to isolate the source code, and a .dockerignore file to hide the unnecessary modules from the container. [docker commands rest in: Source -> Dockerfile]
  • Run the build command and push command to push the docker image to docker hub.
     docker build -t {username}/{reponame}:{tag}                      
     docker push {username}/{reponame}:{tag}			         
  • If faced with any confusion, refer to the original documentation of Docker:- Packaging your software | Docker Docs

Step 4:- Deploying the application

  • Modify Kubernetes manifests or kubeconfig file (./kube/config.yaml) to use the docker image previously pushed.

  • Login to Argo CD using:-

      kubectl get all -n argocd                                        #identify the port for Argo CD 
      kubectl port-forward service/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443    #runs the Argo Web GUI on
  • Login Page looks like this: image

  • Default username is "admin" and to get the password run the following command :

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

Step 5:- Defining a rollout strategy

  • Define a Rollout resource (equivalent to a Deployment) in your project’s Kubernetes manifests under Rollout directory.

  • Specify the canary strategy in the rollout definition.

  • Set the initial canary weight (e.g., 10%), pause for a specified duration (e.g., 1 hour) to monitor behavior, gradually increase the canary weight (e.g., 20%).

Step 6:- Implementing the Canary Release strategy with Argo CD

  • Commit your updated Kubernetes manifests to your GitHub repository.

  • Update your Docker image with updated source code and push the image to Docker Hub.

  • Modify the rollout definition to use the new image.

  • Use ArgoCD to sync your application with the updated manifests.

Step 7:- Monitoring the release and changes

  • ArgoCD will manage the rollout process based on the canary strategy.

  • Observe the behavior of the canary version.

  • Verify that the canary behaves as expected.

Cleanup of Kubernetes Cluster:-

  • Delete the Argo Rollouts using the following command:

     kubectl delete rollouts {rollout-name}
  • Delete the Argo CD application using the argocd CLI:

     argocd app delete {app-name}
  • Delete the Kubernetes Deployment using the following command:

     kubectl delete deployment {deployment-name}
  • Delete the Docker Image from the Docker Hub using the Docker Hub UI or the Docker CLI. Please refer to the Docker Hub documentation for the specific steps:- Overview of Docker Hub | Docker Docs.

  • Delete the Kubernetes Cluster using the following command:

     minikube delete

Challenges and Solutions:-

  • Docker is more than just images. Its a containerization tool where our code is isolated and managed. To understand the docker well, we can refer to this video for simplified but quick explanation:- https://youtu.be/gAkwW2tuIqE?feature=shared
  • Kubernetes is not difficult but learning Kubernetes is rather a long process, the documentation is enough:- Learn Kubernetes Basics | Kubernetes
  • I personally felt that Argo CD and Argo Rollouts is rather difficult to understand through documentation and some of the commands are not explicitly mentioned.
  • This led me into an infinite confusions of deployments to containers and trying to install the CLI, which is not straightforward for Windows users(like me), and so I referred to this youtube video :- https://youtu.be/JLrR9RV9AFA?feature=shared
  • By no chance I am saying their documentation is bad but GitOps intersects so many concepts together, which is not elaborated in the documentation, thus not very beginner-friendly.