
TCP/IP chat program using golang

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


TCP/IP chat program using golang

Fun facts

  • Utilizes custom doubly linked lists to allow for fast insertion and deletion of objects
  • Utilizes termui to create an interactive terminal UI
  • Concurrent to handle multiple requests

Running the server

To run the server, you first have to install termui and the lists package used in this program by doing the following:

go get github.com/gizak/termui
go get github.com/TomOrth/go-chat/lists

Then, go to the server folder and run go run main.go -port <port>. -port is an optional flag that takes in a port number for the server to run on, but can be left out.

Running the client

To run the client, follow the steps to install termui and the lists pacakge if you have not done so yet and then go to the client folder and run go run main.go -port <port> -host <host> -name <name>. Similarly to the server, those flags are optional and can be left out.


This software is available under the MIT License.