
Personal portfolio

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Chirpy Starter Gem Version GitHub license


Follow the instructions in the Jekyll Docs to complete the installation of Ruby, RubyGems, Jekyll and Bundler. Install dependencies on MacOS Troubleshooting installation


Use this template to generate a brand new repository and name it <GH_USERNAME>.github.io, where GH_USERNAME represents your GitHub username.

Then clone it to your local machine and run:

$ bundle


Please see the theme's docs.

Changing the favicon

Creating a new favicon

Upload a png file of choice to https://realfavicongenerator.net/ and download the resulting files.

Installing the favicon

Follow this blog post or YouTube video for specific instructions.

Configure search engine optimization (SEO)

Verify on Google Search Console Create a sitemap with these instructions and submit to Google.


This work is published under MIT License.