
Repository hosting all of RC's Python Fall 2019 material

RC Python Workshop Series (Fall 2019)


Nick Featherstone
Applied Mathematics
ECOT 217 (main campus)

Daniel Trahan
Research Computing
ARC 677 (east campus)

Date & Time:

Tuesdays 9:30 am - 11:00 am (led by Nick)
Wednesdays 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm (led by Daniel)


Norlin E206
Newton Lab (ECCR 257; Applied Mathematics)
Zoom: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/4239862482


This workshop series will provide a brief overview of Python programming and some research-useful Python packages. This course will not cover “how to program;" attendees are expected to have introductory-level experience in at least one other programming language.


The lessons in this course are interactive in nature. In order to participate fully, you will need a laptop with a working Python installation and the following Python packages installed: NumPy, Matplotlib, H5Py.

The most straightforward way to install this software is via the Conda environment manager. Please refer to the SoftwareInstallation.md file in this repository for instructions on installing Conda, Python, and the necessary packages. If you need one-on-one help with the installation process, please drop by the optional installation session. Alternatively, feel free to send me an email, and we can set up a time to meet with either Daniel or myself.


Date Topic Notes
Sep. 24 & 25 Session 0: Installation Help Optional Session
Part 1: Python Essentials
Oct. 1 & 2 Overview, 'Hello World!,' variables and assignment Wednesday section in Newton Lab
Oct. 8 & 9 Conditionals, functions Wednesday section in Newton Lab
Oct. 15 & 16 Loops, lists, tuples, dictionaries
Oct. 22 & 23 Objects, methods, modules
Oct. 29 & 30 Package management via PiP and Conda Tuesday section in Newton Lab
Part 2: Useful Python Packages
Nov. 5 & 6 Efficient Python programming with NumPy Wednesday section in Newton Lab
Nov. 12 & 13 Plotting with Matplotlib
Nov. 19 & 20 H5Py Tuesday section in Newton Lab
Nov. 26 & 27 TBD

Reference Material:

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (FREE online text)
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science (textbook)