
Idea of this program came to my mind when i bought Spell Echo under a chaos. So I created this automatic parser for Poe.trade.

It will parse Poe.trade for items in items.xml (configurable) and wait a delay (configrable). If the item is found it will write all items information to found_items.txt (configrable)


Configure settings.ini, make your item list in items.xml file and:

python Main.py


Start Main.exe in dist folder


Xml file has a structure

<?xml version="1.0"?>







Every item tag takes some information to check.

Only mandatory tag is league. You don't need to write empty tags!

Next tags are valid:

<league></league> (Standard, Hardcore or any other)
    empty = any
    1h = Gen. 1h
    2h = Gen. 2h
    Bow = bows
    Claw = claws
    Dagger = daggers
    One Hand Axe = 1h axe
    One Hand Mace = 1h mace
    One Hand Sword = 1h sword
    Sceprte = sceptres
    Staff = staffs
    Two Hand Axe = 2h axes
    Two Hand Mace = 2h maces
    Two Hand Sword = 2h sword
    Wand = wands
    Body Armour = body armours
    Boots = boots
    Gloves = gloves
    Helmet = helmet
    Shield = shield
    Amulet = amulet
    Belt = belt
    Currency = currency
    Fishing Rods = fishing rods
    Flask = flasks
    Gem = gems
    Map = map
    Quiver = quivers
    Ring = rings
    Vaal Fragments = vaal fragments
<base></base> (name)
<name></name> (ex. Cast on Critical Strike)
<rlevel_min></rlevel_min> (req minimum level)
<rlevel_max></rlevel_max> (req maximum level)
<rstr_min></rstr_min> (req minimum strength)
<rstr_max></rstr_max> (req maximum strength)
<rdex_min></rdex_min> (req minimum dexterity)
<rdex_max></rdex_max> (req maximum dexterity)
<rint_min></rint_min> (req minimum intelligence)
<rint_max></rint_max> (req maximum intelligence)
<impl></impl> (Implicit mod)
<time></time> (Last time seen. Empty for week ago or date in YYYY-MM-DD format)
<online></online> (empty or x)
<buyout></buyout> (empty or x)
<buyout_currency></buyout_currency> (chaos, blessed, chisel, chromatic, 
                                    divine, exalted, gcp, jewellers, alchemy, alteration, 
                                    chance, fusing, regret, scouring, regal)

Mods go to their own tags Example:






Following is an example of valid xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


        <name>Cast on Critical Strike</name>


                <modname>+1 maximum Power Charge</modname>
                <modname>#% increased Critical Strike Chance</modname>
