A Cross-Platform app for Meetup.com organizers to help track attendees at events.
Written in C# with (Xamarin) Created in Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio
Open Source Project by (@JamesMontemagno)
Copyright 2014 (Refractored LLC)
- Android: Available on Google Play
- iPhone: Available on App Store
- Windows Phone 8: Available on Windows Phone Marketplace
- Windows 8 (Soon, feel free to fork and start)
As a user group organizer of (Seattle Mobile .NET Developers Group) I found our right away that there was an issue with finding out not only how many people attended the event but also who was there. I thought that there had to be a better way of checking people in at the door and the using this data to do giveaways as well. After realizing that Meetup.com had a great restful API that I could tap into I spent my holiday break between Dec 24th and Dec 30th to create Meetup Manager v1.
I have included an "Analysis Project", which will count the shared lines of code. 70%+ of the code is shared between projects. All of the Models, Services, View Models, and tons of helper classes are all found in one single PCL library. The major difference is in both iOS and Android I have some custom views which act as the platform specific code. I am not counting any plugins that handle platform specific code for me since I did not have to write it. You can find a full breakdown of shared code on (Google Drive)
I have my own API keys that I ship with, but you can use these test keys for yourself:
ClientId: h0hrbvn9df1d817alnluab6d1s SecreteId = o9dv5n3uanhrp08fdmas8jdaqb
Just update that code here: https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/MeetupManager/blob/master/MeetupManager.Portable/Services/MeetupService.cs#L51
Everything is written in C# with Xamarin with a base PCL library. This project couldn't have been done without the following:
https://github.com/MvvmCross/MvvmCross: an amazing MVVM framework built on top of Xamarin to bring databinding, IoC, and much much more to iOS. Some plugins I use are: File, DownloadCache, Binding, Visibility, SQLite-Community (for local data storage).
https://www.nuget.org/packages/Mvx.Plugins.Settings/ - I wrote this, so you should probably use it for cross platform settings :)
https://components.xamarin.com/view/json.net - I use both the NuGet in the PCL and component for iOS for facade linking. One of the most wonderful Json libraries that I simply love. It is used to deserialize all information coming from the meetup.com APIs.
https://components.xamarin.com/view/xamarin.auth - Allowed me to integrate in oAuth 2.0 from Meetup.com in under 1 hour.
https://components.xamarin.com/view/xamandroidsupportv7appcompat - Allowing me to have Meetup Manager have a beautiful user interface al the way back to Android 2.1 with a great actionbar!
https://components.xamarin.com/view/gcdiscreetnotification - Bringing toast notifications to iOS
https://components.xamarin.com/view/googleanalytics - Allowing me to see what devices and OS versions you guys are using.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0