
Nwrl Nx 6.1.0 template and working config for WallabyJS

Primary LanguageTypeScript

To Use Wallaby in your Nrwl Nx project...

  1. Run this command: npm i electron wallaby-webpack angular2-template-loader --save-dev

  2. Put the wallaby.js and wallabyTest.ts in this repo in your root workspace folder.

  3. Edit wallaby.js at line 6 & 7 to suit your folder names

  1. Edit wallaby.js at line 46 to suit your Alias(es) (see App Aliases and Wallaby.js #30)
      alias: {
        '@myworkspacename/mylib': path.join(

Why I forked this

Forked from https://github.com/chgc/angular-nx-wallaby

Wallaby wasn't happy with the provided wallaby.js config (from the repo above) after Nrwl Nx Release 6.1.0

so I've created this new version.

...Wallaby now runs! @ArtemGovorov updated the wallaby.js config for new pattern for e2e tests to exclude them correctly. Thanks Artem.

Steps I used to create this:

ng new myworkspacename --collection=@nrwl/schematics

npm i electron wallaby-webpack angular2-template-loader --save-dev

ng generate lib mylib

cd libs/mylib/src/lib

ng g c lib-test

...then added to app.component.html, and wired up the dependencies to app.module and app.component.spec

ng test myapp # passes

ng test mylib # passes

npm install --save-dev css-loader

...added alias to wallaby.js (as per App Aliases and Wallaby.js #30) alias: { '@myworkspacename/mylib': path.join( wallaby.projectCacheDir, 'libs/mylib/src/index.ts' ) }

My post: Cannot find module "./browser/algorithms.json"​​ #1749 Other references: Angular NX config? #1347


This project was generated with Angular CLI using Nrwl Nx.

Nrwl Extensions for Angular (Nx)

Nx is an open source toolkit for enterprise Angular applications.

Nx is designed to help you create and build enterprise grade Angular applications. It provides an opinionated approach to application project structure and patterns.

Development server

Run ng serve --app=myapp for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.