
Build steps

Build Docker Image

  1. Inside a CUDA Enabled VM copy the repo with command:

    git clone

  2. Initialize the submodules with

    cd photo_enhance git submodule init git submodule update

    Note: Make sure the GFPGAN is the right branch (stable)

  3. Build then run docker from the docker-compose file

    docker-compose build -t photo_enhance_application:stable docker-compose up

  4. Finally inside the gfpgan docker, run:

    uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000 --reload

  5. This app uses celery for task queing. Run the celery server on a different terminal but on the same docker image as where fastapi & GFPGAN is:

    celery -A celeryConfig.celery_app worker -l info --concurrency 1 -f celery.log -E

Deploy Docker Image


  1. You can also create a docker image from these instructions to distribute. If so, skip to docker run instructions and use the docker image that was built