
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Cheat Mod

Primary LanguageLua


Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Cheat Mod

Mod page at nexusmods.com

Create new release

  1. Edit ./Source/Scripts/Startup/main.lua and set major + minor version number
    cheat.versionMajor = 1
    cheat.versionMinor = 31
  1. Run ./build.sh(or ./build.ps1 on windows). This will do three things:

    1. Catch some synatx errors
    2. Run the unit tests
    3. Regenerate ./Source/Docs/help.txt and ./Source/Docs/commands.txt
  2. Update mod_page.txt with new content from help.txt, commands.txt

  3. Commit and push all changes

  4. Relase:

    • On linux run ./release.sh
    • On windows run ./release.ps1
  5. Upload new release zip files

    • ./Release/Cheat-X.XX.zip
    • ./Release/Cheat-NOKEYS-X.XX.zip