
KalorickeTabulky.cz Node/browser JavaScript API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

KalorickeTabulky API

This repository hosts a script that implements the most basic features of the KalorickeTabulky.cz app and website: login to get the session, weight recording and fetching the recorded weight.

It is a dependency-free Node script that itself can be used as a dependency via ESM URL imports.


Ensure you are using a recent Node version with ESM and TLA support, e.g.: Node latest.

Note: KalorickeTabulky does some sort of a client side processing/hashing of the password, so instead of your actual password, paste in the corresponding value as seen in the login/create?=&format=json request in the developer tools in your browser when you sign in manually.


  1. Set up email and password in secrets.js if not done already:

    export const email = 'tomas@hubelbauer.net';
    export const password = 'Pa@@w0rd';
  2. Add weight to be recorded in secrets.js if so desired and not done already:

    export const weight = {
      'dd.MM.yyyy': #
  3. Run node . to log in, optionally record weight and print recent records

    If provided, the day's weight will only be recorded if not done so already.


Ensure you are using an environment that supports ESM as well as URL imports, e.g.: Next latest.

Import the desired features like so:

import getCookies from 'https://tomashubelbauer.github.io/kaloricke-tabulky-api/getCookies.js';

const cookies = await getCookies(email, password);
// …


Create a new file named types.d.ts, add its directory to typeRoots in the tsconfig.json configuration file.

declare module 'https://tomashubelbauer.github.io/kaloricke-tabulky-api/getCookies.js' {
  export default function (email: string, password: string): Promise<string[]>;

declare module 'https://tomashubelbauer.github.io/kaloricke-tabulky-api/getRecentWeight.js' {
  export default function (cookies: string[]): Promise<{ date: string; weight: number; }[]>;

declare module 'https://tomashubelbauer.github.io/kaloricke-tabulky-api/recordWeight.js' {
  export default function (weight: string | number, cookies: string[]): Promise<{ requestId: null; code: number; message: string; data: null; }[]>;