
Wrapper for SmartEmailing API v3 version in PHP

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Smart Emailing API v3

API wrapper for Smart emailing API. Currenlty in development.

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This package requires PHP 7.3 and higher.

Install via composer

composer require pion/smart-emailing-v3


Create an Api instance with your username and apiKey.

use SmartEmailing\v3\Api;

$api = new Api('username', 'api-key');

then use the $api with desired method/component.

// Creates a new instance
$api->import()->addContact(new Contact('test@test.cz'))->send();


// Creates a new instance
$import = $api->import();
$contact = new Contact('test@test.cz');
$contact->setName('Martin')->setNameDay('2017-12-11 11:11:11');

// Create new contact that will be inserted in the contact list
$contact2 = $import->newContact('test2@test.cz');

// Create new contact that will be inserted in the contact list

Error handling

When using the send() method in any request class you can catch the error exception RequestException.

use SmartEmailing\v3\Exceptions\RequestException;

try {
} catch (RequestException $exception) {
    $exception->response(); // to get the real response, will hold status and message (also data if provided)
    $exception->request(); // Can be null if the request was 200/201 but API returned error status text


  • Import$api->import() or new Import($api)
  • Ping $api->ping() or new Ping($api)
  • Credentials $api->credentials() or new Credentials($api)
  • Contactlist Retrieve list $api->contactlist()->lists() or detail $api->contactlist()->get($id) - wrapper for 2 Request objects
  • CustomFields - exists: A quick way how to get custom field by it's name. $api->customFields()->exists('name') : CustomField|bool
  • Customfields - create create request $api->customFields()->createRequest() or send create request $api->customFields()->create(new CustomField('test', CustomField::TEXT))
  • Customfields - search / list search request $api->customFields()->searchRequest($page = 1, $limit = 100) or send search request $api->customFields()->search($page = 1, $limit = 100)
  • Customfields - rest Similar concept as contact-list - already started
  • Customfiels options
  • Contacts Similar concept as contact-list
  • Contacts in list Similar concept as contact-list
  • Custom emails
  • Emails
  • Newsletter
  • Webhooks
  • E shops Notifies SmartEmailing about new order in e-shop.

Advanced docs


The import holds 2 main data points:

  1. Settings $import->settings()->setUpdate(true)
  2. Contacts $import->newContact() : Contact, $import->contacts() : array and $import->addContact() : $this

Example of usage is above.

The import holds 3 main data points:

  1. All data accessible via public properties. Fluent set method has basic validation and date convert logic
  2. CustomFields $contact->customFields() for adding new fields
  3. ContactLists $contact->contactLists() for adding new contact list

See source code for all methods/properties that you can use

Uses a data holder with create/add/get/isEmpty/toArray/jsonSerialize methods.

$field = $contact->customFields()->create(12, 'test')
$list = $contact->contactLists()->create(12, 'confirmed')


The customFields uses a wrapper for each request related to custom-fields. To create a new instance call $api->customFields(). On this object you can create any request that is currently implemented. See below.


Quick way that will create request with required customField

use SmartEmailing\v3\Request\CustomFields\CustomField;
use SmartEmailing\v3\Request\CustomFields\Create\Response;

// Create the new customField and send the request now.
$response = $api->customFields()->create(new CustomField('test', CustomField::TEXT));

 // Get the customField in data
$customFieldId = $response->data()->id;


$request = $api->customFields()->createRequest(); // You can pass the customField object

// Setup customField
$customField = new CustomField();

// Setup data

// Send the request
$response = $request->send();

Search / List


Enables searching threw the custom fields with a filter/sort support. Results are limited by 100 per page. The response returns meta data (MetaDataInterface) and an array of CustomField\CustomField by calling $response->data().


  • data() returns an array CustomField\CustomField
  • meta() returns a stdClass with properties (defined in MetaDataInterface)

Get a list without advanced setup

Creates a search request and setups only $page or $limit. The full response from api with customfield_options_url or

$response = $api->customFields()->search($page = 1);

/** @var \SmartEmailing\v3\Request\CustomFields\CustomField $customField */
foreach ($response->data() as $customField) {
    echo $customField->id;
    echo $customField->name;
    echo $customField->type;

Advanced setup - filter/sort/etc

$request = $api->customFields()->searchRequest(1);

// Search by name

// Send the request
$response = $request->send();
Request methods
  • Getters are via public property
    • page
    • limit
    • select
    • expand
    • sort
  • Fluent Setters (with a validation) - more below.
  • filter() returns a Filters setup - more below
expandBy(string : $expand)

Using this parameter, "customfield_options_url" property will be replaced by "customfield_options" contianing expanded data. See examples below For more information see "/customfield-options" endpoint.

Allowed values: "customfield_options"

select(string : $select)

Comma separated list of properties to select. eg. "?select=id,name" If not provided, all fields are selected.

Allowed values: "id", "name", "type"

sortBy(string : $sort)

Comma separated list of sorting keys from left side. Prepend "-" to any key for desc direction, eg. "?sort=type,-name"

Allowed values: "id", "name", "type"

setPage(int : $page)

Sets the current page

limit(int : $limit)

Sets the limit of result in single query


Allows filtering custom fields with multiple filter conditions.

  • Getters are via public property
    • name
    • type
    • id
  • Fluent Setters (with a validation)
    • byName($value)
    • byType($value)
    • byId($value)


Runs a search query with name filter and checks if the given name is found in customFields. Returns false or the CustomFields\CustomField. Uses send logic (throws RequestException).

// Can throw RequestException - uses send.
if ($customField = $api->customFields()->exists('name')) {
    return $customField->id;
} else {
    throw new Exception('Not found!', 404);

Send / Transactional emails

The implementation of API call send/transactional-emails-bulk: https://app.smartemailing.cz/docs/api/v3/index.html#api-Custom_campaigns-Send_transactional_emails

Full transactional email example

$transactionEmail = new TransactionalEmails($api);

$credentials = new SenderCredentials();
$credentials->setSenderName('Jean-Luc Picard');

$recipient = new Recipient();

$replace1 = new Replace();

$replace2 = new Replace();

$templateVariable = new TemplateVariable();
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'products' => [
        ['name' => 'prod1', 'desc' => 'desc1'],
        ['name' => 'prod1', 'desc' => 'desc2']

$attachment1 = new Attachment();

$attachment2 = new Attachment();

$task = new Task();

$messageContents = new MessageContents();



Send / Bulk custom emails

The implementation of API call send/custom-emails-bulk: https://app.smartemailing.cz/docs/api/v3/index.html#api-Custom_campaigns-Send_bulk_custom_emails

Full custom email example

$transactionEmail = new BulkCustomEmails($api);

$credentials = new SenderCredentials();
$credentials->setSenderName('Jean-Luc Picard');

$recipient = new Recipient();

$replace1 = new Replace();

$replace2 = new Replace();

$templateVariable = new TemplateVariable();
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'products' => [
        ['name' => 'prod1', 'desc' => 'desc1'],
        ['name' => 'prod1', 'desc' => 'desc2']

$task = new Task();



E_shops - Add Placed order

The E_shops section have two endpoints to set single Order or import orders in bulk.

Example add single order

use \SmartEmailing\v3\Request\Eshops\Model\Order;
use \SmartEmailing\v3\Request\Eshops\Model\OrderItem;
use \SmartEmailing\v3\Request\Eshops\Model\Price;

$order = new Order('my-eshop', 'ORDER0001', 'jan.novak@smartemailing.cz');
    new OrderItem(
        'ABC123',   // item Id
        'My Product', // item name
        10,          // quantity
        new Price(
            100, // without vat
            121, // with vat
            'CZK' // currency code
        'https://myeshop.cz/product/ABC123'  // product url

Send / Bulk custom sms

The implementation of API call send/custom-sms-bulk: https://app.smartemailing.cz/docs/api/v3/index.html#api-Custom_campaigns-Send_bulk_custom_SMS

Full send sms example

$bulkCustomSms = new BulkCustomSms($api);

$recipient = new Recipient();

$replace1 = new Replace();

$replace2 = new Replace();

$task = new Task();



Contribution or overriding

See CONTRIBUTING.md for how to contribute changes. All contributions are welcome.

Copyright and License

smart-emailing-v3 was written by Martin Kluska and is released under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2016 - 2022 Martin Kluska and contributors