
Web application - blog about old PC games, allows admin add, delete and edit articles, you can also add image to your articles

Primary LanguageC#


Oldgamercry is a blog about old PC games written in C# ASP.NET CORE and using MVC architecture.
Non-logged users can read articles, view the list of articles, register and log in.
Registered users will receive a notification email when a new article is added to the site.
Only a logged user with the "administrator" role can add, edit and delete articles.
Adding articles directly on the site using the WYSIWYG editor Summernote.
Articles are listed on the front page in order of newest to oldest.
Articles and user data are stored in the database using the Entity Framework (in the project is used Code-first).
Test articles are copied from wikipedia.

WWW: oldgamercry.aspifyhost.cz
Documentation (CZ): tsobota.cz/ASP_Oldgamercry.html