Kotlin plotting library backed by Python's matplotlib
. A python3
with matplotlib
installed has to be available in the system.
KyPlot provides a declarative DSL for plotting as shown in the example below:
fun main() {
val amount = 1000
val max = 100.0
val delta = max / amount
val time = linearSpace(
start = 0.0,
stop = max,
amount = amount
val windowSize = 100
// Gaussian filter
val filter = doubleArray1D(windowSize) { i ->
exp(-(i - windowSize / 2.0).squared() / 10.0.squared())
val speed = Random.nextGaussianArray1D(time.size).filter1D(filter)
val position = speed.cumulativeSum() * delta
showPlot {
title = "Random walk"
line(x = time, y = speed) {
label = "Speed"
color = Color.BLUE
line(x = time, y = position) {
label = "Position"
color = Color.RED
xAxis {
label = "time"
yAxis {
label = "position/speed"
legend.visible = true
legend.position = Legend.Position.UPPER_LEFT