
Visual Studio Code nRF52 (nRF52833, S140) project template

Primary LanguageC


Visual Studio Code nRF52 (nRF52833, S140) project template for Windows. This template is based on some solutions from the following repository: https://github.com/gera-k/VSC-Nordic-example.


This template uses a modified Makefile from the nRF SDK and supports following features:

  • automated c_cpp_properties.json generation for a PROPER InteliSense support (Python),
  • build (gcc-arm-none-eabi),
  • flash (nrfjprog),
  • SoftDevices flash (nrfjprog),
  • debugging (Cortex Debug),
  • nRF SKD Configuration (CMSIS Configuration Wizard),
  • SEGGER's Real Time Transfer console.


In order to setup the environment following tools are needed to be installed:

How to setup

  1. Install all the tools, note the paths.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Adjust .bat file to match your setup:
    • Set NRF_SD_VER with a SoftDevices version provided with your nRF SDK (see <Nordic SDK>\components\softdevice\s140\hex),
    • Set all tool paths.
  4. Set GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain path and its version in <Nordic SDK>\components\toolchain\gcc\Makefile.windows file.

Additional step (not mandatory). Setup a convenient keyboard shortcut to run tasks in VSCode:

  • Open VSCode, go to: File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Search for Tasks: Run Task
  • Setup a preferred shortcut, e.g. Ctrl+B to match other popular IDEs


  1. Run the .bat file to open the VSCode workspace.
  2. Edit SRC_FILES, INC_FOLDERS, CFLAGS and ASMFLAGS of the Makefile to match your requirements (default ones are ok).
  3. Run the c_cpp_properties task to generate a proper InteliSense input each time you edit the Makefile.
  4. Run the flash_softdevices task - not flashing the SoftDevices can cause runtime errors.
  5. Hit F5 to start a build -> flash -> debug workflow.


Following tasks are configured for this VSCode template:

  • build
  • clean
  • flash - flash the main binary
  • flash_softdevice - flash the SoftDevices stack
  • erase - erase flash
  • sdk_config - run the CMSIS Configuration Wizard
  • rtt - run the Real Time Transfer console
  • c_cpp_properties - generate a c_cpp_properties.json based on the Makefile