Fastpizza Website

Fastpizza is a website developed using HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP. It was a project made for the exam of web developing during my Bachelor Degree.


Fastpizza is a website of a pizzeria, a customer can:

  • Make a reservation at the physical restaurant
  • Order a pizza online, creating its own pizza with the ingredients that wishes
  • Remove or add pizzas to his/her cart
  • Check his/her past orders

In order to do so, the registration is mandatory. Otherwise the website can be used to contact the restaurant and reading all the information about it. Ordering a pizza with this website is fun, the customer can create its own pizza with a tool created with Javascript.


The project repository is organized as follows:

  • CSS This folder contains all the CSS file for the graphical part of the website
  • Creation This is a folder with all the vectorial images used in the creation of the pizza (Javascript tool)
  • immagini (Images in english) It is a folder that contains all the images used in the website
  • utility It contains some utility scripts made in PHP
  • .php Files These files are the pages of the website. The index page is the main page of the website and the first that will be displayed


Main Page

alt text

Creation of the pizza

alt text

Cart page

alt text

User page

alt text

Other Information

The demo of website is hosted here ->

Everything is enabled but if you dont want to register a new account, you can use the following users:

  • Username: User1 Password: Abcdef123
  • Username: User2 Password: Abcdef123