Tina Documentation Starter

This Next.js starter is powered by TinaCMS and based upon Smooth Doc it allows you and your team to create beautiful docs powered by MDX.


  • Light/dark mode toggle
  • Tina Headless CMS for authentication, content modeling, visual editing and team management.
  • Cloudinary to manage your media.
  • MDX component support for easy to use resuable components
  • Vercel deployment to visually edit your site from the /admin route.
  • Local development workflow from the filesystem with a local GraqhQL server.


Local development

Install the project's dependencies:

yarn install

Run the project locally:

yarn dev

Local URLs

Getting Help

TinaCMS backend is in public beta, you might face issues, to provide feedback or get help with any challenges you may have:

Development tips

Visual Studio Code GraphQL extension

Install the GraphQL extension to benefit from type auto-completion.


Licensed under the MIT License.