
Somehow, a DAW, in Rust? (Please don't have ANY expectations) [MIRROR]

Primary LanguageRust


Yep, someone else's attempt at making a DAW in Rust.

Please read the progress log to see how things are going. There are screenshots and GIFs! I've also written a couple of articles.

Goals (not implemented features!)

I would like this DAW to mostly follow my workflow in FL Studio, which includes:

  • Audio recording (inc. some audio editing features - volume, trimming, noise reduction)
  • Playlist/MIDI clip management
  • VST synth/effect support
  • Parameter automation (as clips in the playlist editor)
  • A custom synth, including:
    • Triangle and square waves (inc. duty cycle square)
    • ADSR for pitch, panning, and volume
    • LFOs for pitch, panning, volume, and PWM duty cycle
  • Custom effects, including:
    • Hard clipper (with gain and saturation)
    • Bitcrusher
  • I've definitely missed something - I suppose the list could be endless!