What's the plan??

My goal for this project is to develop the ability to render WIND AND OCEAN CURRENTS from an MVT file on an OpenLayers 7.1.0 map. This needs to work well across browsers & on mobile & behave nicely with OpenLayers existing functionality.

How to run

Data in this repo

  • /data//weather.json: This is randomly generated data which covers covers the globe. Each entry includes lat/lon coordinates as well as wind speed & wind degree (direction).

    "coord": { "lat": -58, "lon": 87 },

    "wind": { "speed": 29.47, "deg": 214 }

Intended Roadmap

[X] Clone webgl-points-layer example & reduce to the basics

[X] Update data source with sufficient worldwide points to cover the map

[X] Calculate and render weather particle positions (direction & velocity)

[-] Render any animation with WebGL/GLSL; for instance, random streaking lines

[-] Render particle positions (direction & velocity)

Other Stuff

This project was helped along by multiple Openlayers examples https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/

If you find this repo & want to contribute/chat/criticize, feel free to reach out. I monitor the OpenLayers gitter (https://gitter.im/openlayers/openlayers) as well as github; you can find me there.