Open Layers Plot Direction and Magnitude with WebGL

This repo is for me to explore openlayers by representing direction & magnitude in a meaningful way on a map using WebGL.

I am rendering WIND CURRENTS from a local data file on an OpenLayers 7.1.0 map. Each feature is styled with a triangle with the COLOR and SIZE adjusted based on the strength of the current. There are 3 color levels (low, medium, high) & the size scales proportionally to the strength of the wind.

How to run

  • git clone
  • npm install
  • npm start

The Data

/data/weather.json is faked weather data across the globe. Each feature has a coordinates, wind speed & wind direction included.

Other Stuff

This project was inspired by various Openlayers examples ( And, naturally, Stack Overflow ( helped me get over the final hurdle.

If you find this repo & want to contribute/chat/criticize, feel free to reach out.