A simple interface to the OpenAI ChatGPT model with speech to text for input and text to speech for the output. chatgpt-voice-assistant uses Google Translate's text-to-speech free API for audio input and output (not OpenAI Whisper).
Install dependencies:
brew install portaudio
brew link portaudio
Update your pydistutils config file for portaudio usage by running the following:
echo "[build_ext]" >> $HOME/.pydistutils.cfg
echo "include_dirs="`brew --prefix portaudio`"/include/" >> $HOME/.pydistutils.cfg
echo "library_dirs="`brew --prefix portaudio`"/lib/" >> $HOME/.pydistutils.cfg
Optionally create a new Python environment and activate it:
# create a new environment in the current directory called env
python3 -m venv env
# activate the environment
source env/bin/activate
Finally, run the following to install all required Python packages and the chatgpt_voice_assistant package in editable mode:
pip install -e .
To install the bash command chatgpt-assist
, run pip install .
Either set the OPENAI_API_KEY
environment variable before running the script or pass in your secret key to the script like in the example below:
# explicitly
python chatgpt_voice_assistant/main.py --log-level=INFO --open-ai-key=<OPEN API SECRET KEY HERE>
or run with the installed bash command:
chatgpt-assist --log-level=INFO --open-ai-key=<OPEN API SECRET KEY HERE>
Start speaking and turn up your volume to hear the AI assistant respond.
Say the word "exit" or hit Ctrl+C in your terminal to stop the application.
Below is the help menu from the chatgpt-assist CLI detailing all available options:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--log-level LOG_LEVEL
Whether to print at the debug level or not.
--input-device-name INPUT_DEVICE_NAME
The input device name.
--lang LANG
The language to listen for when running speech to text (ex. en or fr).
--max-tokens MAX_TOKENS
Max OpenAI completion tokens to use for text generation.
--tld TLD
Top level domain (ex. com or com.au).
--safe-word SAFE_WORD
Word to speak to exit the application.
--wake-word WAKE_WORD
(Optional) Word to trigger a response.
--open-ai-key OPEN_AI_KEY
Required. Open AI Secret Key (or set OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable)
--tts {apple,google}
Choose a text-to-speech engine ('apple' (say) or 'google' (gtts), defaults to 'google')
--speech-rate SPEECH_RATE
The rate at which to play speech. 1.0=normal
Specify both the LANGUAGE
vars to override the default English (United States)
python chatgpt_voice_assistant/main.py --open-ai-key=<OPENAI_KEY> --lang=en --tld=com
- English (United States) DEFAULT
- English (Australia)
- English (India)
- French (France)
See Localized 'accents' section on gTTS docs for more information