
zCracker is a multi-client threaded server software to decode a MD5 hash using a botnet.

Primary LanguagePython


zCracker uses a network of zombies to divide the bruteforcing work of traditional MD5 cracking (wordlist-based) between different computers.

$ python zCracker.py --help

usage: zCracker.py [-h] [--port PORT] [--connlim CONNLIM] --hash HASH --wordlist WORDLIST

zCracker is a multi-client threaded server software to decode a MD5 hash using a botnet.
Source: https://github.com/Tomer-Rubinstein/Zombies-MD5-Cracker

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --port PORT          port to bind the server to
  --connlim CONNLIM    limit the no. of zombies in the botnet
  --hash HASH          target MD5 Hash to decode
  --wordlist WORDLIST  path to a wordlist file with words seperated by newlines