
GUI to handle job queues in Abaqus

Primary LanguagePython


GUI to handle job queues in Abaqus


  • Abaqus, PIP


Line 38: Enter the folder. line 39: Append the current abaqus version as first value of the list. line 40: Enter the max number of cpus of your machine. line 41: Enter the max number of gpus of your machine.


  1. Add a job in the queue:
    • Via file selection:
      • Click on Select INP File, navigate to the right INP File and select it.
      • Update the Cpus, Gpus, Priority and Restart fields according to your needs.
      • Click on Add Job to the list.
    • Via folder selection:
      • Update the Cpus, Gpus, Priority and Restart fields according to your needs.
      • Click on Run all files in Folder, navigate to the folder containing the INP files to run, select it.
    • Via editing the File List manually:
      • In the text field, add a new line, type the INP file name, its path, the cpus number, the gpus number, the priority and if it is a restart job. Theses values must be separated by a comma ','.
  2. Select the version of Abaqus to be used.
  3. Run the Queue.

While the Queue is running, one can:

  • Display the MSG or STA File produced by Abaqus in order to follow the evolution of the analysis.
  • Display the Log file to view the history of the jobs that have been running with this GUI.
  • Track the jobs that are currently running on the machine. (Even those that haven't been launched using the GUI)
  • Kill the job currently running. Via PID: kills the process. Via the Terminate Jobs: command "Abaqus j=YourINPFile terminate"
  • Close the GUI by clicking on QUIT. Please note that the current job will keep running but the rest of the queue won't be launched.

Side Features:

  1. Launching jobs remotely:

    • Make sure that the GUI is running.
    • Open the file "JobList.txt" located in the TopLocation of the target machine.
    • Edit the File List manually.
    • Save and Close.
    • Open the file "RunQueue.txt".
    • Change if need be the value to True, save and close. The queue is now running.
    • In order to check if the queue is actually running:
      • Open the file "JobList.txt", "#" should have been appended to the first line.
      • Or check that a '.lck' file has been created for the first inp file.
  2. Add new jobs to the queue. Follow one of the ways described above.