
Download and process TAMSAT rainfall estimates

Primary LanguageR



Download and process TAMSAT rainfall estimates


A collection of functions to ease the downloading and processing of rainfall estimate from the University of Reading's Tropical Applications of Meteorology using SATellite data and ground-based observations TAMSAT project .

These observations cover the Africa continent at 4 km resolution since 1983 with daily, dekadal (10-daily), monthly, and seasonal products available.


The package can be in R directly from github using devtools



Downloading Data

There are two functions to download data. Functions have the option to automate unzipping the files after download, however, this is very slow in R and probably not recommended

Daily estimates can be downloaded for desired years as follows

#Download daily rainfall estimate for 1984 to 1990, don't unzip
tamsat_daily_download(years= 1984:1990, 
                      outlocation = "C:/Data/Rainfall/Tamsat/", 
                      unZip = FALSE)

Aggregated layers must be downloaded for the entire period. Options cover the type (rainfall estimates or anomalies), and the aggregation period (dekadal, monthly, seasonal)

#Downloaded rainfall estimates at monthly resolution.
tamsat_all_download(type = "e", 
                    period ="m", 
                    outlocation = "C:/Data/Rainfall/Tamsat/", 
                    unZip = FALSE)

###Manipulating Data

Monthly Data

Note1: Currently only monthly data manipulation is supported, seasonal/dekadal will be added soon Note2: the following only applies to rainfall estimates not anomalies

To make monthly summaries over a time period use the monthly_summary() function

rainfall_folder <- "G:/LimpopoWoodyChange/Rainfall/TAMSAT_rfe_monthly/"
limpopo <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn ="G:/LimpopoWoodyChange" ,layer ="LimpopoBasin" )
#Calculate mean monthly rainfall for every month, over the 1984-2010 period.
mean_month_rainfall <- monthly_summary(download_folder = rainfall_folder, 
                                     months = 1:12, 
                                     period = 1984:2010, 
                                     ex = limpopo)

To make nice figures the rasterVis package is very efficient

p <- levelplot(mean_month_rainfall,
par.settings = RdBuTheme,main = "Mean monthly rainfall (mm) 1984-2015")
p + layer(sp.lines(limpopo, lwd=1, col='darkgray'))

Making monthly summaries is a useful as it allows missing months to be filled based on the averages.

#Calculate total annual rainfall, over the 1984-2010 period, replacing missing months with average values
annual_sum_rainfall <- annual_summary_from_months(download_folder = "C:/Data/Rainfall/Tamsat/",
                                                  years = 1984:2010,  
                                                  fill_with = mean_month_rainfall)

To make a complete time series, again filling the missing months with averages, use the make_monthly_stack() function

#Make monthly raster stack time series, for the 1984-2010 period, replacing missing months with average values
rainfall_time_series <- monthly_stack(download_folder = "C:/Data/Rainfall/Tamsat/", 
                                      years = 1984:2019, 
                                      fill_with = mean_month_rainfall)

Daily Data