
ECG to CSV data extraction/conversion tool.

Primary LanguagePascal


Beatnik is a tool I wrote back in 2008 to convert data in a file from an Electrocardiogram (ECG) machine into Comma Separated Value (CSV) format for a friend who was a cardiologist. It extracts data from the three leads (channels) and an example graph in Excel made from Beatnik's output is shown below.


My friend had an output file with a '.raw' extension from the ECG machine. From the first few bytes of the file I was able to determine that the file was a Waveform Database (WFDB) signal file in Format 16 where the amplitude for each sample is represented by a 16-bit two’s complement integer stored least significant byte first. A screenshot of Beatnik's user interface is shown below.

beatnik - screenshot2

You can obtain some sample ECG data to try with Beatnik from PhysioBank using the Physionet ATM (see the image below). The two '.dat' files from the American Heart Association (AHA) Database Sample Excluded Record are in Format 16.


The program is written using Delphi 7 and you can download Beatnik here: