
JavaScript + HTML5 version of the telemetry and control software for the Lollybot robot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lollybot Logo

Telemetry and Control

This is a cross-platform JavaScript + HTML5 version of the control and telemetry code for Lollybot (formerly known as "Suckerbot") - my entry in the African Robotics Network (AFRON) "10 Dollar Robot" Design Challenge.

Lollybot is a tethered robot made from a hacked USB joystick. The telemetry and control code consists of two parts:

  • a JavaScript server running on Node.js that communicates with the joystick via USB using node-hid and...
  • an HTML5 + JavaScript client that runs in a web browser. You can visit a live version of the client page here or click on the image below.


You can download the latest version of the software here.

In the Wiki you will find some information to help you get started writing your own control mode for Lollybot.

The original telemetry and control code was written using Delphi and is only for Windows.

This project was originally hosted on Google code.