
Play songs directly in telegram voice chats.

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram VCPlayer Bot

Play any song directly into your group voice chat.

Official Bot : VCPlayerBot | Discussion Group : VoiceChat Music Player Support

Checkout AutoForwarder Bot


  1. Telegram Api Id and Hash [ Get it from my.telegram.org ]
  2. A Telegram Bot Token. Get it from @botfather.
  3. Python 3.6+
  4. ffmpeg [ How to Install ? ]
  5. [ Optional ] Mongo DB [ Create free account from mongo website and get your connection string. ]

Deploying To Heroku

  1. Get your telegram API ID and API HASH from my.telegram.org and the BOT TOKEN from @botfather.
  2. Generate your telegram session string using the Run on Repl button below (Click on run after opening the url below) or use the generateSession.py file.
  • Run on Repl.it
  1. Clcik on the Deploy to Heroku button below. Fill in the required fields on the website that opens.
  • Deploy
  1. Add the bot to your group and send the commands to start using the VCPlayer Bot :)

Steps To Setup

  1. Install pyrogram for generatong session string : pip3 install -U pyrogram
  2. Generate your telegram session string. Run python3 generateSession.py
  3. Rename .env copy to .env and fill all the required/mandatory fields in there.
  4. [ Optional ] In Mongo DB a database named sktechhub will be created with the collections tgcalls_chats , tgcalls_playbacks , tgcalls_users ( if not present then create them manually).

Steps to Run

  1. After the setup is done.
  2. Install ffmpeg : sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
  3. Install the requirements : pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the service by :
  • Run python3 main.py --help for available settings.
  • Or Run python3 main.py -env prod to use default settings

Environmental Variables

Starting from command line:

  • python3 main.py -env prod|local -mode single|multiple -autoleave on|off

Available env varibales

  • Mandataory API_ID : get it from my.telegram.org
  • Mandataory API_HASH : get it from my.telegram.org
  • Mandataory BOT_TOKEN : bot token of your music bot, get it from @botfather
  • Mandataory USERBOT_SESSION : user bot pyrogram session string, generate it using the generateSession.py file present in the root directory of repo.
  • Optional MONGO_URL : connection url for mongo databse. needed if you wnat to run the service in single mode
  • Optional MODE : single|multiple single mode means bot will be allowed only in one group, multiple means allowed in multiple groups. It is multiple by default. If you want to run in single mode then MONGO_URL is must.
  • Optional AUTO_LEAVE : on|off turning this on will make the user bot to leave the grp automatically at regular intervals. It is off by default.


Command Description
/start , /help Lists the available commands.
/play song_name Starts the song in the voice chat.
/skip Skips the current song.
/stop Stops the playback.
/loop off , /loop [2-5] Loops the song to x times.
/info Shows the info of the playback in the chat.
/refreshadmins Refreshes the admin list in the chat.
/auth Adds the user mentioned in the reply to bot admin list.
/unauth Removes the user mentioned in the reply from bot admin list.
/listadmins Lists all the bot admins.
/adminmode [on,off] Turn on/off the admin mode.


Shubham Kumar

For any issues/questions please contact here

Pull Requests are more than welcome.