- You console it!
- Express is a Web framework for NodeJS
- Routing
- Layer on top of node HTTP server
- Middleware
- Template Engine(ejs)
We draw this diagram to explain how requests and responses work.
Resources for our movie quotes App
- quotes
- comments
For each resource, we want to:
- create => creating a new resource
- read => getting a resource
- update => changing a resource
- delete => deleting a resource
What language does a client use to makes request to the server ? http
http protocol gives us verbs
- Create => Create a new ressource => Post
- Read => Get a resource => Get
- Update => Change a resource => Put
- Delete => Delete a resource => Delete
- collections vs single entity
- which one?
We design design the following end points for our quotes app:
Action | http verb | end point |
List all quotes | GET | get '/quotes' |
Get a specific quote | GET | get '/quotes/:id' |
Display the new form | GET | get '/quotes/new |
Create a new quote | POST | post '/quotes |
Display the form for updating a quote | GET | get '/quotes/:id/update' |
Update the quotes | PUT | put '/quotes/:id |
Deleting a specific quote | DELETE | delete '/quotes:id' |
You may need to access a nested resources. For example, you need to create a new comment.
Action | http verb | end point |
Create a new comment | POST | post '/quotes/:id/comments |
We created a movie quotes app demonstrating the use of Express with RESTful routes.
- npm install
- node server.js