
compile typst documents even if they includes vector images such like svg with texts

Primary LanguageTypst


This repository is a support repository for writing Typst Document and compiling it including drawio, pdf, svg images.

Write Typst Document

You should write Typst Document in src/main.typ with the following format:

#import "template/tomo_doc_template.typ": *
#show: master_thesis.with(
  title: "Title",
  author: "Your Name",
  paper-type: "Type",
  date: (2024, 11, 6),
  version: "0.1.1",
  flag_toc_tbl: true,
  flag_toc_img: true, 
  flag_index: true,
  keywords_ja: ("word1", "word2"),
  abstract_ja: [

= Header 1 <chap-header1>


It is important to learn more about Typst Document from the following links:

How to Use

Setup and Start

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Copy all shell scripts in script/ the repository to the root of your project.
  3. If you want to use the templates, copy the templates in template/ to src/template/ of your project.
  4. Write Typst Document in src/main.typ.
  5. Place drawio, pdf, svg images in src/img/ folder.
  6. Maybe you should convert images to typst-safe vector images while writing: bash _convert.
  7. Finally, compile Typst Document with the following command: bash compile.sh.


Convert and Compile

You can compile Typst Document with the following command:

bash ./compile.sh

In compile.sh, the following steps are executed:

  1. Drawio images are converted to SVG images.
    1. .drawio, .drawio.svg images are converted to .pdf images into temporary folder.
    2. if multiples pages are included in the drawio file, the pages are separated into multiple .pdf files.
    3. .pdf images are converted to _notext.svg images.
  2. SVG images are converted to PDF images.
    1. .svg images are converted to .pdf images into temporary folder.
    2. .pdf images are converted to _notext.svg images.
  3. PDF images are converted to _drawio.svg images.
    1. .pdf images are converted to _notext.svg images.
  4. Typst Document is compiled to .pdf file.

The step 1, 2 and 3 are necessary to compile Typst Document with vector images including texts. If not, the texts in vector images are not shown correclty in the compiled document. You can additional information from official issue.

Or you can compile with VSCode Extension Tinymist Typst simply if there is no svg files.

Only Convert or Compile

If you want to only convert images or compile Typst Document, you can use the following commands:

# only convert images
bash _convert_images.sh

# only compile Typst Document
bash _build_typst.sh

The shell scripts with the prefix _ are called in compile.sh.


The following software is required to compile the document:

  • rust
  • typst-cli
  • drawio
  • poppler-utils
  • librsvg2-bin

You can obtain additional information from Comments of compile.sh.


The templates are included in the template folder. You can modify the templates as you like.

Feature Works

  • enable to paste image directly from clipboard on VSCode


  • 2024/12/9: if multiple pages are included in the drawio file, the pages are separated on converting vector images.
  • 2024/11/7: drawio, pdf images are converted to typst-safe vector images.
  • 2024/11/6: svg images are converted to typst-safe vector images.


The templates are based on the following repository:


MIT License