
A portable Sass-based approach for simple text tooltips on arbitrary HTML elements

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


A portable Sass-based approach for simple text tooltips on arbitrary HTML elements.

Install via npm (or yarn if that's your thing):

npm install --save-dev @tomodomo/sass-tooltips


sass-tooltips is eyeglass-aware. If you're using it, simply import with…

@import "sass-tooltips";

Otherwise, something like this should work:

@import "path/to/node_modules/@tomodomo/sass-tooltips/sass";

Then, in your HTML, add data-tip-[direction]="Tooltip content here" to the element you would like the tooltip targeted at, where [direction] is one of tl, tm, tr, bl, bm, or br (an abbreviation for top/bottom, left/middle/right). This corresponds to the direction the tooltip arrow is pointing.

For example:

<a href="https://github.com/vanpattenmedia/vpm-tooltips" data-tip-tm="What an awesome tooltip library!">VPM Tooltips</a>

You can see how each direction is rendered in the screenshot below:

Screenshot of the sass-tooltips library showing the directions that tooltips can point


The library can be customised with a number of variables. The variables, and their default values, are as follows:

$sass-tooltip--background: black;
$sass-tooltip--text-color: white;

$sass-tooltip--font-family: inherit;
$sass-tooltip--font-size: inherit;
$sass-tooltip--text-shadow: none;

$sass-tooltip--arrow-width: 0.875em;
$sass-tooltip--arrow-height: 0.6em;

$sass-tooltip--border-radius: 2px;
$sass-tooltip--padding: 0.45em 0.75em;
$sass-tooltip--z-index: 99;


The library makes use of calc(), and thus will not work in IE8, Opera Mini, or earlier Android browsers. (A pull request that safely eliminates the calc() requirement would be happily accepted!)

Placing your tooltip text in the data attribute alone is not sufficient for accessibility. You might wish to set an aria-label attribute on your element, or use another recommended best practice to make sure you're accomomdating all users.


This method of inserting tooltips was inspired by the Daniel-Hug/tooltips library.

About Tomodomo

Tomodomo is a creative agency for magazine publishers. We use custom design and technology to speed up your editorial workflow, engage your readers, and build sustainable subscription revenue for your business.

Learn more at tomodomo.co or email us: hello@tomodomo.co

License & Conduct

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, included in LICENSE.md.

All open source Tomodomo projects follow a strict code of conduct, included in CODEOFCONDUCT.md. We ask that all contributors adhere to the standards and guidelines in that document.

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