
Twitter clone application using Kotlin for backend, GCP, Kubernetes, gRPC and Firebase. Kotlin for backend.

Primary LanguageKotlin



alt text

The technologies we used.

  • gRPC
  • Docker
  • Kotlin + Spring Boot + JPA
  • Firebase Auth / Storage
  • GCP (Cloud build, GCR, GKE, Cloud KMS, Cloud SQL, StackDriver)

Steps to set up.

To run the application

install docker in your computer and follow the steps below

$ cd docker
$ cp .env.example .env
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose exec migrator /bin/sh
$ mysqldef -uroot -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -hmysql itemae --file=schema.sql
$ exit
$ docker-compose exec server /bin/bash
$ gradle bootRun

about containers

below are the ports to access to each application.

port application
8888 HTTP server(not used for this project)
6565 gRPC server
8080 phpMyAdmin
13306 MySQL

Automatic Restart

Spring will automatically update your changes and restart the application. To use this, you need to run gradle.

Open two terminals.

terminal A

$ gradle bootRun

Edit your code after running gradle. you no longer need to bootRun again. your changes will be automatically updated

Terminal B

$ gradle classes


Hikaru Suzuki @gammaaex
Tomoka Yokomizo @Tomoka64
Watanabe Noriyuki @noriyu