
Podcast search web app made with React and Node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PodZoo 🎙️

Live demo: podzoo.surge.sh image PodZoo is a podcast search web application where a user can search and leave reviews.


  • Responsive website
  • Search podcasts
  • Filter and Sort on Search result page
  • Like a podcast
  • write/edit/delete a review
  • rate podcasts

Built with

  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js, pg(node-postgres)
  • frontend: React, Material UI
  • API : podcast Index API.


Setting up database on postgreSQL

  1. start your postgreSQL server and enter your password.

    $sudo service postgresql start
  2. Create database in postgreSQL(podsearch_db is the database name)

    $createdb podsearch_db
  3. go to backend folder.

    $cd sp-capstone2/backend
  4. Create tables by using existing sql file.

    $psql < dbtable.sql

Starting backend

  1. Navigate to backend folder
    $cd sp-capstone2/backend
  2. Start backend server.
    $nodemon server.js
  3. server will start up on [localhost:3001](http://localhost:3001)

Starting frontend

  1. Navigate to frontend folder
    $cd sp-capstone2/frontend
  2. Run the React app. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
    $npm start


Running backend tests

  1. Navigate to backend folder
    $cd sp-capstone2/backend
  2. run test

Running frontend tests

  1. Navigate to frontend folder
    $cd sp-capstone2/frontend
  2. run test
    $npm test