This is a basic weather station running serverless on Netlify. In particular, it shows how to encapsulate an API Token and URL so that it is not visible client-side.

This is closely based on Netlify's own example provided at and adapted to work with the tomorrow.IO weather API

See the blog post at tomorrow.IO for a walkthrough of this functionality


Weather Data for a specific hard-coded location is obtained from the tomorrow.IO API The API is called every 15 minutes to update new forecast data, and a button allows for an immediate update.

To Do

To clone this and set up your own Netlify page derived from this, you will need to add to environment variables on Netlify -> Deploys -> Deploy Settings -> Build & Deploy -> Environment -> Environment Variables add the following two variables:

  • API_TOKEN = "your_tomorrow.io_api_token"
  • API_URL = ""