
The official collection of Tomorrow.io weather icons


Weather Code Icons

Icons for Tomorrow.io API

Is it foggy? Rainy? A clear day? If you need a description of what the weather is like, simply request the weather code. As our beloved Tomorrow.io API consumers, we provide full access to our library of weather icons.

What's Included

Weather Codes V2 - PNG and PDF colored icons, of all new weather conditions including V1 weather conditions and additional V2 mixed weather conditions, can be found in V2 icons folder.

Weather Code Icons

Weather Codes V1 - SVG icons, colored and black, of all available weather codes: freezing_rain_heavy, freezing_rain, freezing_rain_light, freezing_drizzle, ice_pellets_heavy, ice_pellets, ice_pellets_light, snow_heavy, snow, snow_light, flurries, tstorm, rain_heavy, rain, rain_light, drizzle, fog_light, fog, cloudy, mostly_cloudy, partly_cloudy, mostly_clear, clear


Figam - Open source Figma canvas.

PNG - Several size options.

PDF - Vector icons.

Be sure to place a “Powered by Tomorrow.io attribution in your application if you use our icons.


This project exists thanks to our very own designers - Elad Rahmin (@EladRahmin) and Vera Mordehayev (@veramordehayev )


Licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License.