2D game Java library based on LWJGL.
Copyright (c) 2007, Slick 2D
All rights reserved.
AngelCode (bitmap font tool)
Seems to be the best around at the moment and provided clean kerning information.
Available from http://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/.
TilED (tile map tool)
Java alternative to Mappy (which just seems borked to me).
Available from http://www.mapeditor.org.
Packs single images into large images for efficent rendering and memory usage.
Available from http://homepage.ntlworld.com/config/imagepacker/index.htm
Particle Editor written as part of the Slick Project (Java).
Bitmap Font tool with effects written as part fo the Slick Project (Java).
Kevin Glass (slick@cokeandcode.com)
Tommy Haaks (tommy@haaks.net)
Mark Bernard (captainjester@hotmail.com)
Aaron Roberts (antamiga@gmail.com)
Liam Edwards-Playne / liamzebedee (liamzebedee@yahoo.com.au)