
See https://tomylobo.deviantart.com/art/Automated-AVSTrans-APE-beta-12811411

Primary LanguageC++

How to build?

Just run "make" in the "AVSTrans_cpp" subdirectory.

In theory, you should be able to compile and run this on any POSIX-compliant system with GCC installed, including Cygwin/Babun on Windows. With some minor effort, it should run on Visual Studio, too.

How to run?


./avstrans-cli < eeltrans-code.txt > avs-code.txt

Linux binary

I also made a travis build for it, so there's a Linux release binary, too: https://github.com/TomyLobo/eeltrans/releases

As Binary releases for Linux go, this might not work on all Linux versions. I tested it on my WSL (the windows bash thing) which is xenial. The Travis worker ran on trusty, so that should work too.