
Udemy Course | GCE | Demo Code

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Jai Chenchlani's Udemy Course Demo Code

Google Cloud | GCE Reliability Engineering using Terraform


All the code used for the demos for the Udemy Course

Setup Instructions

Below are your options: A. Linux/Mac User - If you ware comfortable with Linux, and have gcloud, terraform and packer installed on your machine, you are good, just follow the steps below. If you do not have the tools installed, and you are looking for an alternative easier path, follow option B. B. Windows User - Use sreterminal jumpbox. - Create a centos-7 VM with the startup_script_sreterminal - gcloud compute ssh --zone $zone sreterminal --project $project_id' ssh into the machine once the machine is up. - gcloud --version; kubectl version; terraform --version; packer --version Validate all the tools - alias Check the aliases BEFORE updating the bash profile - cat /home/repos/utilities/aliases.md >> .bashrc Update the bash profile with aliases - source .bashrc This is needed to make the changes take effect. - sudo gsutil cp <gsutil_uri_to_your_credentials> /home/repos/gce_bootcamp/ The credentials file is needed for the terraform scripts to run.

sudo gsutil cp gs://codegarage-credentials/credentials.json /home/repos/gce_bootcamp/

Important to follow, else Test and Validate will fail

  1. Download the Compute Engine default service account key, and save it as credentials.json in the root folder. Refer sa_key_download.
  2. Navigate to packer folder and run the following commands
    1. packer build -force statichtml.centos.packer.json Build the statichtml webserver image
    2. packer build -force statichtmlwithjs.debian.packer.json Build the statichtmlwithjs webserver image
    3. packer build -force grafana.debian.packer.json Build the grafana image
  3. Terraform Config Modifications
    • global.tfvars Modify to match your project details
    • Update backend.tf in all stages folders to change the bucket name to your gcs bucket
    • Update variable.tf in all stages folders to change the project name to your project

Test and Validate Instructions

Navigate to each stage folder, and run the following commands with sudo permissions:

  1. terraform init validate for successful completion. Resolve errors.
  2. terraform plan --var-file ../global.tfvars validate output
  3. terraform apply to create the resources
  4. terraform state list should show the resources created per the plan
  5. terraform destroy to create the resources without sudo, you will run into issues like Unable to write the module manifest file: open .terraform/modules/modules.json: permission denied



Packer build json configurations for both statichtml and statichtmlwithjs websites.


  • startup and install scripts for debian, centos, grafana


  • Terraform configuration for instance creation
  • Backend is GCS
  • Uses the terraform_modules from the sre repo.

Stage 6

  • Introduced Terraform.
  • Create instances using the Instance module (not the instance templates)

Stage 7

  • Introduced Instance Templates
  • Create instances from Instance template; MIGs not created yet

Stage 8

  • Introduced MIGs
  • Create MIGs that use the Instance templates

Stage 9

  • Introduced Load Balancers
  • Create HTTP Load Balancers that uses MIGs as backends

Stage 10

  • Configured only for the web apps - statichtml and statichtmlwithjs
  • Get rid of external ips
  • Implement Cloud NAT
  • Configure DNS (manually, not in the terraform scripts)


Demo Apps for various Stages


Images referenced in the markdown files