
Final Project for M2 MVA course: Deformable models and geodesic methods for image analysis

Primary LanguagePython

Topology Aware Delineation

Final Project for M2 MVA course: Deformable models and geodesic methods for image analysis. In this project, we implement and analyse the method proposed in Beyond the Pixel-Wise Loss for Topology-Aware Delineation using PyTorch. It aims to improve the performance for the problem of delineation of curvilinear structures using deep learning methods.

Figure 1: Training Pipeline Reprinted from Article


  • PyTorch 1.0
  • >= Python 3
  • Visdom


We test our algorithm on Massachusetts Roads Dataset. A Python script is provided in the Data folder to download the whole dataset. We then resize all images to 256 in order to reduce memory usage.



First we train a UNet-based model with topology-aware loss using K=1.

python -m visdom.server 
python train.py

Then the model is finetuned using K=3 on the same dataset.

python train.py --K 3 --model ../log/pretrained/model.t7


python test.py --model path_to_model --image path_to_image --label path_to_groundtruth


We provide three pretrained models in the log folder, namely the UNet model without topology-aware loss (pure UNet), the UNet model with topology-aware loss using K=1 (Topological UNet), and the finetuned UNet model with topology-aware loss using K=3 (Iterative UNet).

Qualitative Results

Here we show the results for two images in test dataset.

Figure 2: Input and Groundtruth for the First Example

Figure 3: pure UNet, topological UNet and iterative UNet (from left to right)

Figure 4: Input and Groundtruth for the Second Example

Figure 5: pure UNet, topological UNet and iterative UNet (from left to right)

Quantitative Results

We use three criteria: Completeness, Correctness and Quality. The definitions can be found here.

The results on test dataset are shown as below:

Model Completeness Correctness Quality
U-Net 0.67584426 0.59423022 0.43436453
K=1 0.58282891 0.7042716 0.44924965
K=3 0.61157189 0.70223687 0.46712003